
  • 13 years ago
Restylane (Dermal Filler) is probably the most exciting
nonsurgical advancement in facial rejuvenation to date.
It is a popular treatment for wrinkles and facial lines. The
procedure helps to 'fill out' and smooth away troublesome
nose to mouth grooves, forehead lines, frown furrows,
lipstick lines, acne pits and crows feet. And it's natural.
A key to the health and appearance of your skin is a
substance called hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide, or natural sugar, that
is found largely in the skin. Its primary function is to
provide volume and liability to the skin. The unique
characteristic of hyaluronic acid is its ability to bind with
water up to 1000 times its volume. For more information visit:
Web site: http;//
