Should I Put My Newborn Baby On A Feeding Schedule?

  • 13 years ago
Setting Up a Sleep Schedule for Newborn - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Really, newborns sleep so much, so many, many hours during the day. Maybe between 13 and 17 hours they are sleeping. There are two schools of thought here. One is putting babies on a feeding schedule, and the other is what we call 'demand feeding', which simply means that when the baby starts to fuss or cry a little bit one of the best ways to calm the baby down is through feeding. So, my suggestion would be to start off trusting that your baby is showing his or her needs to you pretty clearly. And when the baby cries, one of the first things you can do is just try to feed the baby. We do not have to think about putting the baby on a feeding schedule right away. All we need to really focus on is the baby is letting us know that she is hungry, that he is hungry. And so, you do not lose out. The baby does not lose out by just offering some milk.