Tips for Matching Clothes with Jewelry - Women's Style

  • 13 years ago
Tips for Matching Clothes with Jewelry - as part of the Women's Style series by GeoBeats. Hi, my name is Katie Thompson and I am from KT Collection Jewelry in New York City. There are a couple of rules to follow when you are wearing jewelry. One is that if you have a very busy neckline on, like I do now, you generally do not need a necklace. So, my advice is to go with bigger earrings and, maybe, a bracelet and a ring. Something that is going to accent a busier blouse, but is not going to take away from it. My other rule is that I generally wear either a bigger necklace with smaller earrings or bigger earrings with a smaller necklace but, I generally do not wear big earrings and big necklaces at the same time. Another rule is to really think about the neckline of your shirt. In my case, I have a busy neckline on now but, if it is a low cut v-neck, let's say, you want to have the length of the necklace just right so that it is going to be right in the center of your neckline. So, sometimes it is good to get necklaces that have extenders so that you can wear them shorter sometimes and longer other times. I think it is really nice to blend pieces together so you do not necessarily have to match exactly an earring and a necklace. Why not get something that compliments each other without necessarily being such a fixed set. And if you are going to do a set, I usually steer away from doing the matching bracelet, ring, earring and necklace as it kind of takes away from each piece as an individual piece. So, follow those rules and you will be just fine.
