Drew Pickles Goes To Black Buster Critics Channel

  • 13 years ago
I thought It would be swell to try and piss off his fanbase because they are going to watch this video because their so brain less that they don't know what a parody is, if you fanboys think opinions are shit then I can do the same thing to you by saying that the PS3 is the worst system in the whole entire world XD because thats what Jamin does and I've had it with him crying over something that he dose'nt even have to buy for his collection, you fanboys can comment all you want but all I will do is laugh because thats how pathetic you fanboy truly are, stop trying and admit that there are people who are going to buy the game because they like the series for what it is and you are just crying like childern because you think you can get your own way, hey, like children ha ha ha, SOBRING IT ON HA HA HA HA

