Picked Up By An Angel.#1 The Only Real Creation Of Adam And Eve

  • 13 years ago
Peace Be To You. The Friend's Greet You. Greet The Friends Every One Of Them By Name In 2012. This Is The Most Amazing Thing You Will Ever See To Date. And If You Knew What I Know, You Would Not Do Any Bad Things At All. For We As Humans Are Very Very Small On The Grand Scale Of Things. For I Saw The Most Amazing Things Ever, These Are Some Of My Documented Files. The Powers To Be Are Trying To Seal Up The Revelation Given Onto Me To Warn Humanity That God Is Real. So They Are Trying To Say Im Crazzy And Take Our Kids Saying All Kind Of Nagative Things. And At This Very Moment Trying To Lock Me Up Again, For I Can Prove Who I Am And That Has Shaken Some Of These Evil People To There Very Soul`s. And Many Other I Have Opened There Eyes To The Truth Ilke Never Before. For I Can Show You The Bible Story`s From Genesis To Revelation, For The First Time In History. World Peace, Free All Of My Fathers People For You Will Not Escape The Judgement Of The King Of Kings And His High Council...


