Treadmill Vs. Outdoor Running - Women's Fitness

  • 13 years ago
Treadmill Vs. Outdoor Running - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats. Well, the present concept of using a treadmill vs. outdoor running are pretty simple. With a treadmill you can control your exact pace, your exact speed, your exact distance. And, of course, the treadmill is going to keep going even if you want to slow down, so, it helps keep you on pace. It is much safer if you are alone, running at night. You do not have to worry about weather conditions, windiness, rain, cold or heat, etc. Running outside is generally more beautiful, and more interesting, and keeps people motivated. You can always run in different locations. And most races, or, actually, probably all races, are outside, so you need to learn to train yourself on that type of terrain. So if you are racing, you know what it feels like to run outside. I have seen clients before who only run on treadmills and then when it gets to the race, their body is not exactly equipped for it. Of course, your cardiovascular system is not, or your bone system is not because you have not been running on that kind of surface before. So you want to train for both. I mean, you want to run on both if that suits you. But you definitely need to do some outdoor running if you are planning on racing.