Smart Tips - How To Get A Good Night's Sleep by JJ Virgin

  • 13 years ago
Nutrition & Fitness Expert JJ Virgin of shares a smart tip about how to prepare for and get a great night's sleep.

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Are you having trouble sleeping? Falling asleep, staying asleep and as a result the next day you're dragging, you're craving carbs, cranky? Well today's smart tip is going to show you how to get a good night's sleep! First of all, you must make time for sleep. And then secondly, prepare for sleep. So that hour before you're going to bed, this is where you use your alarm clock, rather than having to use it to wake up in the morning, to remind you that it is time to power down. That's right, I know you're holding your breath now, but shut the computer off! Get the phone out of your room. Turn off the TV. All technology needs to be powered down, because you know what, that fires up your neurons, keeps your brain excited, and impacts your sleep. Second, take a bath. Put some lavender in there, take a nice hot bath, because when you get out, especially if you down the temperature a little bit, to somewhere around 70, your body is going to cool down, and that helps you prepare for sleep as well. Now I love sipping on some sleepy time tea - it's great to have a nice sleep ritual going. Or a glass of red wine, I like that even more by the way, but not too much alcohol because it will wake you up in the middle of the night if you do. And in that sleepy time tea you can try putting a little bit of Inositol, powdered Inositol is a calming B Vitamin. You should take B Vitamins but take them earlier in the day, they help you make the brain chemicals you need to get a good night's sleep. At night things that can be calming, that can help you get a good night's sleep: Calcium, Magnesium, Gaba, 5-HTP. And I'll use Melatonin but I really use that when I'm traveling to help me if I'm going somewhere that's ahead of us, like if I'm on the west coast going to the east coast, I use it to help me phase forward. And again, really watch those stimulating activities at night. You need to be powering down in every sense of the word. Get into bed about 30 minutes before you want to fall asleep and I tell people to read a good, but not a great book. And then go ahead and dim the lights. And that should help you get a great night's sleep. I'm JJ Virgin and that's today's smart tip!


