4 easy tips for your craft shop: How to Reduce Craft Show Costs for your craft projects ideas

  • 13 years ago brings you: 4 easy tips for your craft shop: How to Reduce Craft Show Costs
You probably just started to present in art and craft market. There are so many of them in New Zealand, the main ones are in Auckland.
So you ask yourself: how do I reduce my costs, so I can generate a better income from my art and craft store.
I found that it is not always easy to reduce your costs. You can be creative with how you peel your art and craft show costs down, so let me help you with that. I figured that there are at least 4 main ways to trim down your costs, without sacrificing the quality of your art and craft, nor affecting the general sales.
Tip number 1: Buy your supplies in bulk - You do it for your foodstuff in order to save a few cents, so why not on your art and craft supplies? Think about it, if you are buying pipe cleaners for example, a paper for your origami craft or wood for your woodwork
