• 13 years ago
Lidija Bačić- Kiša
Gledam u kišu podignuta lica
a ona mi pjeva svoj stari refren
ove kapi kiše, moje prijateljice
izgleda da znaju odgovor na sve

Ništa se ne mijenja, isto ostaje
samo tvoja ljubav tiho nestaje
zato ću polako pustit ovaj dan
umorna i sama ulazim u san.

Kada sklopim oči, tada život mi je lijep
ulazim u svoj svijet i polako nestajem.
Važno mi je da ću tamo ja učinit sve
ono lijepo što u zbilji mi nedostaje.

Kada skopim oči tad na sve zaboravim
pomislim na tebe i u snove utonem,
važno mi je da ćeš tamo voljet samo ti
k'o što nekad ja sam znala tebe voljeti.


I'm watching the rain, with my head up
And it's singing its old refrain to me
These drops of rain, my friends
It seems that they know answer to everything
Nothing is changing, everything remains the same
Only your love is slowly disappearing
That's why I'm going to let this day go
Tired and alone I'm falling asleep

When I close my eyes my life seems beautiful
I'm entering my world and slowly disappearing
It's important that there, I'll do
all the nice things that I miss in my reality.
When I close my eyes, I forget about everything
I think about you and start to dream,
it's important that there only you will love me
As once I used to love you.

Nothing is changing, everything remains the same
Only your love is slowly disappearing
That's why I'm going to let this day go
Tired and alone I'm falling asleep

When I close my eyes my life seems beautiful
I'm entering my world and slowly disappearing
It's important that there, I'll do
all the nice things that I miss in my reality.