• 13 years ago
DVD Available and Download to Own at: http://www.longtailnet.com/4192

Battles are being fought everyday in the streets of our cities. It’s a fight between the criminals trying to gain control of our neighborhoods, and the law enforcement officers doing everything they can to maintain peace in our cities. We ride along with the men and women who brave the dangers of the metropolitan slums as they take down some of the area’s toughest delinquents while bringing peace and justice to the city’s they protect.

Three complete episodes on one DVD:

Episode One: Saints and Soldiers
New Orleans

A detective investigates a murder scene in the middle of a desolate field. He walks up to a car with a high-powered flashlight and sends a radio transmission, “They torched him after they shot him”. Barely discernible in the darkness and smoke is a human figure, but there is something very, very wrong with it. The detective is Sergeant Addie Fanguy who says “some of the things I’ve seen through my career, it’s hard to believe that a person could do that to another person”. He is the chief homicide investigator in New Orleans’ Fifth Police District with a passion for cracking cases and digging out the truth. But this won’t be easy.

Episode Two: Highland Homicide
San Francisco

A brutal stabbing has just been called in to San Francisco’s 911 dispatch center. Outside her garden apartment, a woman lies bleeding to death from a dozen stab wounds. The walls of her apartment are awash with blood. In cop speak, it’s a “187” –- a homicide. Two of San Francisco’s finest are called to the scene. Investigator Holly Pera represents police work’s modern face. The first female homicide inspector in San Francisco history, she’s comfortable with new crime-fighting techniques and technologies, and knows just how to apply them to a case like this. Her partner, Joe “Tombstone” Toomey is a bit more of a skeptic; for him, old-fashioned police instincts are still the best resource. Holly and Joe make their case, using both high-tech ...


