The Real CIA || Trailer

  • 13 years ago
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“People think the CIA is a secret strike force of men in black, running around with hi-tech weapons, accountable to no one. that’s a myth - not reality. In this program, we're going to examine the real CIA. We're going to see how it's been shaped by its history and we're going to look at how it operates in a world of enemies, secrets and spies.”
Tim Weiner, New York Times

For over four decades, the men and women of the Central Intelligence Agency took enormous risks to realize a seemingly impossible dream: that one day, they might see America’s mortal enemy, the Soviet Union, collapse and disappear into the ash bin of history.

This program, produced before 9-11, focuses on the CIA’s resurgence during the 1980s; its decline during the 1990s; and the challenges it faces as it confronts new kinds of enemies.

Hosted by Tim Weiner, a Pulitzer Prize wining journalist, New York Times correspondent covering national security issues and National Book Award recipient for his 2007 book “Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA”.

Weiner conducts the bulk of the interviews and has assembled a remarkable roster of intelligence insiders including the four former Directors of Central Intelligence, including Robert Gates, current United States Secretary of Defense and former Director of Central Intelligence. Prominent critics of the CIA, including Gen. William Odom, the former director of the National Security Agency, and Robert Steele, a former CIA analyst are featured.

The documentary recaps the agency’s origins, and shows how its history of covert action led to the Church Committee investigations of 1975. Then Weiner looks at the CIA’s resurgence in the 1980s. We see how covert action was restored as a favored tool of foreign policy under President Ronald Reagan and William Casey. The story continues with a look at some of the difficulties the CIA encountered during the 1990s, in the aftermath of the Soviet collapse, including its failures ...
