Puyehue's effect in Bariloche

  • hace 13 años
Sorry for the bad quality. I recorded it using a compact digital camera. This recording was made at 1pm, on my way back from San Martin de los Andes to Bariloche. On Sat 4th June of 2011, Chile's volcano Puyehue activated... the wind blew the ashes to Argentina, and suddenly the sky turned black. The day before I rushed back home, and as we approached Bariloche it seemed as like the clock was rushing faster than I, because it looked like 1am... The ashes started coming into the bus, some of it just piled on top of the glass becoming a dark and thick layer, and the cars seemed to be surfing on ashes...
A curious experiece... and kinda scary, too. Lucky I wansn't on any of the towns close to the volcano!

