Online chat in Facebook or Twitter Account! How?

  • 13 years ago
Facebook, being the world's most visited site, has made their own Facebook chat tool as one of the most used instant messaging on the Internet. It's an excellent tool for allowing Facebook friends to get chatty in real-time, and some applications even allow for Facebook's chatting widget to be embedded on site so that users can post their comments on other people's post. It's an incredible application to essentially still be on Facebook, even while on another site.

Such application, however, has been set up with only Facebook users in mind. What about Internet users who are also active in other social networking sites such as Twitter?

Enter The new version of ChatWing's live chat widget is deemed to be one of the best Facebook chat alternatives in that it has been created with Twitter users also in mind. Testing of the new ChatWing live chatting tool shows that users can login with either their Facebook or Twitter accounts or they can login using both at the same time.
