How to Do Yoga Belly Backbend Pose - Women's Fitness

  • 13 years ago
How to Do Yoga Belly Backbend Pose - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats.

Hi, I'm Colleen and this is Brenna. We're here today at Bend Yoga Studio and we're going to demonstrate Shalabhasana. Brenna is lying on her Belly on her mat. Her pelvis is grounded down towards the floor and her legs are extended straight out of her hips. As she's ready she'll take her hands behind her, gently interlacing her fingers at her lower back. Good. As Brenna feels ready, her forehead can be heavy to the floor and she can gently lift her shoulders up off of the ground drawing her shoulder blades together. As she inhales, she'll extend her knuckles back towards her feet and lift her head and chest off of the ground. If she wishes she can now also lift her feet up off of the floor, keeping the grounding sensation in the pelvis. Inhaling and lengthening from the crown of the head all the way back into the feet and exhaling softening her heart out towards the floor. Once she's ready to come out of the pose, she'll slowly exhale and lower her chest, and her head, and her feet down to the floor. And as she's ready, resting gently on one cheek on her forehead.