Wedding Dress Design for Wedding Event Planner Jobs - NWP

  • 13 years ago
Excerpts from New Wedding Planet’s Video Tutorial: ‘Bridal Gowns and Wedding Dresses’

• Learn wedding dress design styles, costs, and fabrics to make wedding event planner jobs easier with brides of any size and personality, on any budget

• Find out why custom wedding dress design is best for some brides and how to advise wisely on bridesmaids’ dresses in different wedding event planner jobs

• Sample demonstrations of wedding dress design options in a boutique bridal salon that sells custom-made dresses and moderately priced designer lines

• Make wedding event planner jobs easier with tips on appointments, store etiquette, ordering, and alterations

• Taught by a wedding dress design expert experienced in working with a diversity of couples in a young, urban setting

• Just one of many practical course tutorials to train for today’s wedding event planner jobs, from Silicon Valley’s Certified Wedding-Planner-Consultant-Coordinator Rapid Video Course™
