Managing Wedding Stress; Wedding Event Planner Careers - NWP

  • 13 years ago
Excerpts from New Wedding Planet’s Video Tutorial: ‘The Principles of Wedding Psychology and Counseling’ (Part I)

• Learn how to manage all kinds of wedding stress encountered in today’s wedding event planner careers

• Discover how wedding event planner careers use contemporary counseling techniques to help clients, family, and friends cope with wedding stress

• Get tips on preparing for professional wedding event planner careers where wedding stress-related danger, drunkenness, and bad behavior often occur

• Taught by a board certified clinical psychiatrist in a seminar with professionals in various stages of their wedding event planner careers

• The first wedding psychology and wedding stress counseling course tutorial ever, from Silicon Valley’s Certified Wedding-Planner-Consultant-Coordinator Rapid Video Course™

Complete course and membership information is available at
