Extreme Off Road Expeditions

  • 13 years ago
link: http://extremeoffroadexpeditions.com/mission.html Vezdekhods (amphibious all terrain vehicles) in action.

I would like to introduce you to the next level of off road vehicles, called vezdekhods. Vezdekhod is a Russian term for all terrain vehicle, which is especially designed for an environment in Siberia, but it can be used anywhere. Vehicles like that have been home made by Russian people for decades, but recently more and more mostly Russian companies started to make vezdekhods on their production lines. Vezdekhod's capabilities are the most benefitial on soft surfaces.They have wheels with huge size tubes instead tires, with a very low air pressure, which gives them better traction while climbing, and allows them to travel over the surfaces you can't even walk on. Vezdekhods don't sink into the sand, snow, or swamp, they float on the water. Visit our websites for more info. Peter Cifka
