Chen Linggang Art gallery ImagineYmaG ART

  • hace 13 años
Linggang Chen,works for contemporary art. Our work is consisting of composite material by the paint, newspapers, magazines, all kind of books, teaching materials, handwritten draft, screen and other material to represent various conflicts between people and social, as well as history and reality, reality and the ideal.
The first impression of Chen Linggang's works is the existence of many small square grids,. It is too difficult to make out those characters and content in the paper. The artist seems to create and "obstacle" of interpretation deliberately, in other words, he creates an invisible "obstacle" between "readers" and "cultural history".
.His works make people rethink and reinterpret history and culture, even question them with confusion!. When people observe those pictures, they can feel the fragments of history are flowing in the grid and the cultural heritage is transforming.
Suddenly they are frozen into a historical moment- and uchangeable picture appears in front of us.
