Wing Wong - Photography. Art gallery ImagineYmaG'ART

  • hace 13 años
Taoism, the ancient Chinese philosophy states that everything under the heaven is built equal to keep the universe in balance. A piece of wood, rock, leaf...acts as an element in the cycle of nature. All matters have their ways, wills, energy to achieve the task and this is the true meaning of "existence". Humans, act as an intelligent form of life on earth, should have the wisdom to locate our existence and approach the ultimate stage, "heaven and mankind merge in one". This is " Tao ". I have no intention to use my photo images to lead the viewers to any direction, nor feeling. My way is to using shapes, forms as the " Ying and Yang", elements and light as the motivation, power to drive the emotion. This is my " Tao " in photography.

" When the tao can be defined, it is not the real tao".

I suggest but not conclude.

Wing Wong, born 1964.

A poet, novel writer and fine art photographer, living in Hong Kong
