How To Publish Your Book! 2 Options...

  • 13 years ago Hey everyone! I am really excited to share this video series on How To Publish Your Book!! It is So Quick and So Easy, I walk you through all the steps needed and within 10 minutes you'll book will be available to the world! In this video, I talk about the 2 options you have for publishing; using a Publishing House or Self-Publishing. My favorite is Self-Publishing for a few reasons that I go over in the video. Make sure to check out to learn more about Publishing Your Own Book! We go over things like Hiring an Editor and Proofreader for your book before Publishing. I'll show you the perfect place to get your book edited and ready to Publish! Don't forget to Subscribe to my Channel to keep updated on all the latest videos to help you grow yourself and your business! Also leave comments below and ask me questions; I'm here to help yall! Talk soon, David Papandreas
