Johnson expects tough Italy test

  • 13 years ago

Martin Johnson insists England are under "no illusions" about the size of the challenge Italy will pose in Saturday's Six Nations showdown.

England launched their campaign with an impressive 26-19 victory over Wales at the Millennium Stadium and expectations will be high at Twickenham.

But Italy have proven in recent years - and, more pertinently, in last weekend's narrow 13-11 defeat to Ireland - that they are an increasingly difficult nut to crack.

"A win is always number one. That is the healthiest mindset. If you start thinking of unrealistic expectations you will be in trouble," said Johnson, who named an unchanged team to face the Azzurri.

"Our number one priority is to win. Number two is we don't have any serious injuries and number three is that it is an exciting Test match.

"If you go in with that attitude to any game you are in the right place. If you start thinking what it looks like, then you are in trouble."

He added: "We are here to win Test matches, make no bones about it.

"We have exciting players all over the field who can score and create damage and we want to use them - but to do that you have to win the battle.

"If Italy come and play their best game and they are tough and their defence is strong, we will be in a game into the last quarter like we were last week.

"I have no doubts about that. They don't concede a lot of points, they are difficult at the breakdown. We are under no illusions."