Yeast, key ingredient

  • il y a 14 ans
Hello and welcome to Club Paneo, the meeting place for home-made bread fans!
Today I’m going to tell you what yeast is, where it comes from and how it works in bread!

Yeast is a living cell from the mushroom family. Its scientific name is “Saccharomyces cerevisiae”. It was discovered by Louis Pasteur in 1857. It’s a micro-organism that’s 1/10th of a millimetre, not much bigger than a pinhead!

These days yeast is made on an industrial scale in a factory called a yeast-making factory. The work of the yeast maker consists of selecting the best stem cells and increasing them.

They then develop really quickly by feeding on sugars: Generally sugar beet molasses or sugar cane molasses is used. The number of yeast cells increases 50-fold in 24 hours!
Once out of the factory, yeast can be found in various forms:
- Liquid
- Dried granules
- Blocks of fresh yeast

Yeast is needed to make bread. It doesn’t work without this ingredient. Yeast helps the dough to rise. It