Brioche recipe

  • il y a 14 ans
Hello and welcome to Club Paneo, the meeting place for home-made bread fans!
Today I’m going to tell you how to make a lovely brioche. It’s really nice for breakfast or as a snack. You’ll see, it’s simple and it can be done in just 6 steps.
To make a nice brioche, I need good ingredients:
• 60ml milk and, of course,
• 9g salt (be careful, not too much!)
• 50g sugar
• 140g soft butter
• 430g flour
• 8g yeast. Yeast is the key ingredient for your recipe to succeed.
• 3 eggs that I’ll add later

And, if you’re a food lover, you can add extras. I like chocolate chips
Have a go and treat your circle of friends to something nice. You’ll find all the recipes for Club Paneo fans on
There are lots of recipes here for brioches as well as bread and pizzas.
Have a go!