World Cup oracle octopus gets memorial

  • 13 years ago

World Cup oracle Paul the octopus, who died peacefully in Germany three months ago, has now got his very own memorial.

Paul came to prominence during the 2010 World Cup and now has a memorial corner at the Sea Life aquarium in Oberhausen in western Germany.

Dubbed "Paul's Corner," the centrepiece is the octopus oracle's urn. Paul died aged two-and-a-half in October.

He became an international sensation last summer after correctly predicting each of Germany's World Cup matches - including their two losses. Paul also correctly tipped Spain to defeat Netherlands in the final.

During the height of Paul's popularity, the picks were also broadcast on live television in Germany and across parts of Europe.

The cephalopod would foresee the winner of the soccer match by choosing a mussel from two transparent boxes adorned with the competitors' flags. The mussel from the box that Paul chose was his prediction.