Murdered woman seen with two people

  • 14 years ago

Police are investigating claims that Joanna Yeates was seen outside her flat with two people the night she disappeared.

A spokeswoman for Avon and Somerset police confirmed that Ms Yeates's landlord saw three people outside the premises on the night of December 17. She added that this was one of several lines of inquiry.

The landscape architect had been missing for eight days when her clothed body was discovered by a couple walking their dogs close to the Bristol and Clifton Golf Club - about three miles from her home.

Miss Yeates was captured on CCTV buying a pizza in Tesco Express in Clifton, at about 8.45pm on the night she disappeared.

Minutes before she had bought two bottles of cider from the off-licence Bargain Booze, located just metres away from the Tesco store.

Forensic officers are continuing their meticulous search at the flat Ms Yeates shared with her boyfriend, earlier removing a door from the property as part of their investigation.