Best way to Prevent Tonsil Stones?

  • 14 years ago

What is the Best way to Prevent Tonsil Stones?

Preventing tonsil stones can be done by a combination of good oral hygiene and a proper diet.

The best way to prevent tonsil stones is to brush your teeth using an oxygenated tooth paste.

Oxygenated toothpastes are found to be extremely beneficial in killing bacteria.

Use an oxygenated mouth wash to remove off any bacteria or dead cells.

While purchasing mouth wash, you must make sure that the mouth wash has no alcohol content.

Scrape your tongue regularly to keep away the bacteria from your mouth.

Gargle as often as possible to remove the food particles that have accumulated inside the mouth.

You must keep the mouth well hydrated since bacteria grow well in dry areas.

Hence drink as much as water as possible.

Avoid consuming alcohols.

Reduce the consumption of dairy products since the calcium is found to trigger the tonsil stones.

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