Eternal Labyrinth for Twin Flames

  • 14 years ago
Twin Flames are not usually together
in the non-physical plane. This composition
approaches the subject of the time lapse
awareness from meeting to meeting.

Eternal Labyrinth tries to recreate the holistic functioning
of the brain. Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta binaural frequencies
along with the melody.

The frequencies are:

2.1Hz personal growth

2.3Hz associated with genitals

5.5Hz intuition

6.26 - 6.6Hz with a 6.5Hz plateau confusion, anxiety

7.5Hz guided meditation

10Hz enhanced release of serotonin & mood elevator

12Hz centering, mental stability

32Hz enhanced vigor & alertness

40Hz dominant when problem solving

105Hz overall view of complete situation

Crystal Resonator frequency.

To download these videos or audio only versions go to:
