Xbox 360 S slim red dot fail

  • 14 years ago
Download link: alright so i get this on the 9th of july, im playin it havin a ball for an hour, well forza 3 (the game i was playin) froze, it just up and froze after my second race, so i turn it off and let it cool, pop the game out and try it again, nothin it goes on and then goes to the red dot, it was my first xbox and kinda a birthday present to myself, i was pissed when it broke, so i try it today the 10th and it still has the red dot, takin it back to gamestop when they get some more in stock UPDATE:7/14 i got another one from gamestop and it has ran perfectly, i ran it straight for 3 hours and no overheating or red dots, it is a beast
