B94.5 “Breaking News” Remix 11-12-2010

  • 14 years ago
http://audioimagery.net Audio Imagery at the Radio Station. B94.5 @ Penn State. Yes, Penn State. Acting silly and debuting the new Michael Jackson song on the radio. I'm a little out of mind when I get up that early. But its fun though. It feels good to know there are fans out there who appreciate the music we do. When an artist says "I do it for my fans" they are half speaking the truth. They do it for themselves but it really doesn't have its complete meaning until they have a fan or two that lets them know that their music speaks to them. Well maybe I'm speaking about me... I appreciate every fan, every listen someone gives to an Audio Imagery song. I appreciate all the things people have done to help further this music. This music is my life and I am happy to share it with you and B94.5fm. Okay enough of me being 'deep'. Listen, laugh, and enjoy your day. ~Audio