Ellen Show Submission Ver 1 - Who's Audio Imagery?

  • 14 years ago
http://audioimagery.net A buddy of mine has been suggesting/trying to get me onto a show like the Ellen show to display my musical talents. She has a new record label called eleveneleven and is looking for new artists. So a few weeks ago I created this video and never submitted it because I thought me and ANTI could tweek it a bit. Ellen really doesn't say what she wants from the video so I was just myself. I don't know if this video does Audio Imagery justice so I am looking for suggestions: If Audio Imagery were to submit a video like this to the Ellen show (or any show for that matter) how can we edit, add, or take away from this video to make it even better? I might just submit this video and then submit a revised one later. Who knows... Right now every chance seems like a critical one and so making this video right is a goal of mine. Enjoy. ~Audio