Sundanese Playboys - Raised On Alcohol

  • 14 years ago
The Sudanese Playboys are as culturally exotic and diverse as their quirky name suggests. They bring together influences from these island shores, the Middle East the Caribbean sun and Celtic mists to create a unique indie-groove feel. While the band pedals syncopated soul rhythms the streaming guitar licks provide a perfect counter melody to the catchy but profound songs that define the Sudanese Playboy sound. They pull no punches in expressing their experiences and beliefs and with the release of their debut EP ‘Raised on Alcohol’ on (insert release date) they invite you to join them on their crusade.
With the addition of 2 superb videos for ‘Raised On Alcohol’ and the wonderfully up-tempo folk-pop brilliance of ‘Anyhow’, the Sudanese Playboys are a looking to plant an addictive seed in your head that will grow into a beautiful flower of expression and joy!
