Nick Read – The Slumdog Children of Mumbai

  • 14 years ago
Shot over 3 months through the Monsoon, Nick Read’s film captures the unvarnished reality of life for four children living in the slums and on the streets of Mumbai: seven-year-old Deepa, who lives next to an open rubbish dump and runs barefoot through Mumbai traffic selling flowers to help support her family; 11-year-old Salaam, who, a few weeks after running away from his abusive stepmother lives rough outside the main railway station; and twins Hussan and Hussein, also 11, who risk cholera and infection fishing for scraps in a filthy canal so they can earn money to eat.

Nick Read's career started at the National Film School. In the 1980’s he was an acclaimed news cameraman, covering conflicts including Northern Ireland, Lebanon and Nicaragua. Since then he has shot, and often directed, over 40 broadcast documentaries.

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