St. Petersburg Enjoys Music of the Japanese Mountains

  • 14 years ago
The best performers of traditional Japanese music played their instruments in St. Petersburg at the concert "Moon over the Castle." Our Russian correspondents learned about some of the traditions of Japanese music.

Traditional Japanese music Koto, Shamisen and Shakuhachi are playing near St. Petersburg, in one of the royal palaces.

[Nishimura Reytey, Shakuhachi Player]:
"It starts with the music, which is created on the basis of Japanese traditional music. It differs from the traditional European scales, so all the melodies sound mysterious and strange to European ears, but it's their Japanese genetics".

The music consists of only 5 notes, and is written with characters, not notes.

Listening to hogaku music is almost a religious rite. At this point you can come closer to understanding not only the musical traditions, but also experience the Japanese soul.

[Nishimura Reytey, Shakuhachi Player]:
"In fact, it's similar to the sounds of the mountains, waterfalls, valleys and rivers."

These musical instruments themselves are also close to nature. The Shakuhachi flute is made of bamboo and has only 5 holes.

[Nishimura Reytey, Shakuhachi Player]:
"It is very difficult to make sounds on the shakuhachi. When you move your fingers, you can change the sounds. In the European system you can do it by breathing, but here, only by moving the fingers. "

The Japanese shamisen is similar to the European lute. Its body is made of mahogany, and covered with a cat skin. The instrument is very sensitive to temperature changes. Playing on the shamisen is part of the mandatory training program for a geisha and is used in traditional Japanese Kabuki Theater.

In this song a geisha is pining for her sweetheart who has left.