"All Flags" Festival Opens in St. Petersburg

  • 13 years ago
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St. Petersburg's "All Flags" International festival opens with fanfare and songs from all over the world. Our Russian correspondent brings us this report.

The "Tsarskoselskije Strizhi" choir is the multiple winner of parades, contests and programs.

The group kicked off the 2nd International All Flags Festival which introduces people to various cultures.

This time, young talented artists are presenting Italy to the festival guests.

A week ago they returned from the southern European county with a diploma for participating in a festival there.

The team is full of impressions from this trip.

[Galina Belova, Choir Artistic Director]:
"We gave recitals. It was the Academy named after Gioacchino Rossini. And the maestro of this academy, Mario Melanie, listened to our concert and congratulated us on a successful performance."

Different countries will be presented in a similar manner in a shopping complex throughout the year.

According to the Consul General of Italy, such crowded places are well-suited for promoting the festival.

[Faiti Salvadori, Consul General of Italy]:
"It does not seem strange, because we see culture in a broad sense. Good food and good recipes are also a part of the culture."

This jazz band is made up of former members of the "Strizhi Choir." Their leader, musician and jazzman Lier Urkitis, visited Italy many times.

This year his students saw this beautiful country that was created over many centuries.

He expresses his own experiences of the trip not only in music but also through pictures and participating in the "World Available" project during the festival.

[Lier Urkitis, Jazz Musician]:
"This is a procession of brides in a festival city: all the girls put on their dresses in which they were married, and they go around the city, you hardly see this anywhere else...