vik in show

  • 18 years ago
Vik – the next discovery or the next missed opportunity?

Probably one of the biggest potentials of the world's light classical music industry, lives in a one bedroom apartment in Haifa, Israel, still waiting for the real break-through, which she hopes will come some day.

Vik (born Victoria Lazerovich) is a singer in the level of Sarah Brightman and Emma Chaplin, and some even claim that she has better qualities. Each of her rare performances brings more curious people to inquire who is this stunning young lady, and how come a singer of her level is not worldwide known.

Vik started her artistic way in her native town of Nikolayev, Ukraine, until one day decided to leave everything behind and immigrate to the promised land. However, with no financial support and no family, in the industrial town of Haifa, Vik soon found herself struggling to survive the day rather than promote her singing career.

Israeli producer Avi Zemach took her under his custody, however he too cannot change the circumstances that make it so hard for Vik to pave her way up, though she already performed in some major events, including the millennium celebration and stage shows in Russia, Germany and Spain. "These were just sporadic moments that didn't lead to anything except many compliments." Explains Zemach, "We live in a small country, where most of the entertainment is based on popular music and locally-oriented artists. Vik is like a diamond on a remote island – it's precious and beautiful, but what can you do with it here? If we lived in a central town in Europe it would have been much easier to reach a wide range of audiences, yet here I'm afraid that this amazing potential will eventually be wasted, unless some significant factor will enter the scene, willing to combine efforts with us"


