New bomb detection robot unveiled

  • 14 years ago

A new type of bomb detecting robot that can also locate victims buried under blast rubble has been unveiled at a security expo in Japan.

Amid rising concerns in Europe over recently elevated terror alerts, Japanese defense manufacturers have gathered in Tokyo this week to show off their new products.

Nearly 400 vendors turned up for the Riscon 2010 Security and Safety Trade Expo in the hope of expanding their business to a nation considered generally untouched by overseas terror attacks.

Japan's only large scale terror attack came on March 20,1995 at the hands of the domestic religious Aum Shinrikyo cult, who's members released sarin gas on the public transport system killing thirteen and injuring thousands. Many believe Japan has yet to see the same sort of fundamentalist terror movements experienced recently in Europe and North America, partly due to its strict immigration policies and homogeneous society.

Also on display at the expo were chemical suits, riot gear, automatic weapons, airport scanners, and chemical detection devices which appear to be gaining prominence compared to previous years.