Map2Self Weekly Web Show for Women

  • 14 years ago
Live Internet Radio, Wednesdays at 12pm EDT. Call-in, Skype-in, Join-in with Vanessa live each week on a journey to the road less traveled: Listen, Learn & Share. Somewhere along the way in life we forget who we really are: we may make choices based on gaining love or approval, or we may buy into cultural stories about who we are and what we can do. One day we wake up exhausted, stressed, and burnt out from trying to be someone we are not. We have a vague sense that something is missing. And we no longer feel the passion of possibilities, or the fire of the dreams we were meant to pursue.

Whether I am coaching, teaching, or hosting a webshow, my aim is to guide you back to the woman you were meant to be. In stepping off the conventional road life becomes an adventure. I invite you to join me on the Road Less Traveled and take the first step in reclaiming the most essential thing in your life: your Self.
