Body/message - Gérard Chauvin- Bottlemail performance

  • il y a 14 ans
Video Performance of Gérard Chauvin
For Project Bottlemail performance - 2visual4arts
September 2010
All rights reserved
David Lebreton talks about the body in perdition, The imaginary of the endtime of the body.​revue/​42-458.asp.

He writes : The discourse about the endtime of the body is a religious discourse that already believes in the end of the Kingdom. In the Gnostic’s body-hatred, is heaven necessarily a bodyless world full of electronic chips and genetic or morphological changes. But the cyborg is not yet at reach, sensitivity’s stubbornness remains. This vision of a world insulating the body and erecting a cult of the mind, and setting focus on manking as being of secondary assumption, superfluities even, is now facing strong social resistances. A bodyless mankind is also a humanity lacking sensoriality, and the world’s flavours. But we know how mankind gives up easily today’s sap, waiting for the singing tomorrows. Where ideologies or religions lost their ability to connect people around common beliefs, will many scientists enter the breach and announce a bright future thanks to progess in the knowledge of the genetic, the medicine and the cyberspace.” (homemade traduction)

My basic idea is the idea of a body/message, send to mankind as an alert… a call for help…

About the realisation:

A projection on my own body or phrases from the text of David Lebreton, associated to images of the back and forth mouvements of the waves.

Help !
I’m a hyper text
inside a digital program
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