Victoria est la capitale provinciale de la Colombie-Britannique, et est située dans la partie sud-est de l'île de Vancouver, à 100 kilomètres de la plus grande ville de la Colombie-Britannique, Vancouver. Victoria est aussi proche des États-Unis, à une centaine de kilomètres de Seattle. Au recensement de 2006, on y a dénombré une population de 78 057 habitants. Au sud de la ville se trouve la borne kilométrique 0 marquant le début de la route transcanadienne. Un bel endroit pour commencer un voyage.
Victoria is the capital city of British Columbia, Canada, and is located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island about 62 miles from BC's largest, Canada's third largest city of Vancouver. Victoria is close to the United States, about 62 miles from Seattle. The population of the City of Victoria was 78,057 in 2006. The Trans-Canada Highway, uniformly designated as Highway 1, begins in Victoria. A very nice place to start a journey.
Victoria is the capital city of British Columbia, Canada, and is located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island about 62 miles from BC's largest, Canada's third largest city of Vancouver. Victoria is close to the United States, about 62 miles from Seattle. The population of the City of Victoria was 78,057 in 2006. The Trans-Canada Highway, uniformly designated as Highway 1, begins in Victoria. A very nice place to start a journey.