Le Parc Stanley est un parc urbain de 404,9 hectares qui se situe à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. Le parc a été officiellement ouvert le 27 septembre 1888. Il est le troisième plus grand parc urbain d'Amérique du Nord, étant 10% plus étendu que celui de Central Park à New York. Le parc attire environ huit millions de visiteurs chaque année, incluant à la fois les touristes et les habitants, qui viennent pour ses installations récréatives et ses attributs naturels. Une corniche de 8,8 kilomètres qui permet de faire le tour du parc, est utilisée par 2,5 millions de marcheurs, cyclistes et skaters chaque année. En faites-vous partie ?
Stanley Park is a 1,001 acre urban park bordering downtown Vancouver, British Columbia. It was officially opened September 27th, 1888. It is more than 10% larger than New York City's Central Park making it the third largest urban park in North America. It attracts an estimated eight million visitors every year, including locals and tourists, who come for its recreational facilities and its natural attributes. An 5.5 miles seawall path circles the park, which is used by 2.5 million pedestrians, cyclists, and inline skaters every year. Are you among them?
Stanley Park is a 1,001 acre urban park bordering downtown Vancouver, British Columbia. It was officially opened September 27th, 1888. It is more than 10% larger than New York City's Central Park making it the third largest urban park in North America. It attracts an estimated eight million visitors every year, including locals and tourists, who come for its recreational facilities and its natural attributes. An 5.5 miles seawall path circles the park, which is used by 2.5 million pedestrians, cyclists, and inline skaters every year. Are you among them?