The Great Red Dragon (China) & World War III (Nuclear war A.D.2047-A.D.2054)

  • 14 years ago
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is on Thursday, 17th Dec., 2054.

John Wong, the Mathematical Evangelist 2018, said:

The people in the world only read the four Gospels of the Bible but do not understand the Book of Revelation. They do not know that Jesus Christ has told the world of Revelation about the Book of St. Matthew 24:36, "Only the Father (Jehovah God) know". Those who confused the world about 2000 years with St. Matthew 24:36 should introspect on their own and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to understand the Words of God, The Holy Bible. The mystery of the prophecy of "Seventy Weeks" in the Book of Daniel 9:24-27 is the years in which the Persian kings gave out orders to rebuild the city of Jerusalem.
The first order was given out by Persian king Cyrus the Great in 536B.C. The second order was given out by Persian king Artaxerxes in 457B.C. The third order was given out by Persian king Artaxerxes in 445B.C.

Before A.D.2012, the people in the world are unable to really understand the relationship between the prophecies of the "Seventy Weeks" in the Book of Daniel, chapters 24-27 and "Open Seven Seals" as described in chapters 6-16 of the Book of Revelation, because from the going forth of the third commandment given out by Persian king (Artaxerxes) to rebuild the city of Jerusalem in A.D.445 to A.D.2005 should be the beginning of the seven-year disasters of the last days, namely 445B.C.+(7x70)x5→A.D.2005 and A.D.2012 should be the end of the seven-year disasters, namely 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+7→A.D.2012. But in reality, the expected Super Antichrist did not appear in A.D.2009 or A.D.2012. Since 445B.C.+(50x50)→A.D.2055 and 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+50→A.D.2055, the relationship between the prophecies in the Book of Daniel 9:24-27 about "Seventy Weeks" and the "Open Seven Seals" in chapters from 6 to 16 of the Book of Revelation was revealed. This relationship is that the Holy Spirit used four "Seventy Weeks" to seal up the visions of "The Four Sea Beasts" as described in Book of Daniel, chapter 7, each by "Seventy Weeks" of years (i.e. 7x70 years) and the fifth "Seventy Weeks" will fulfill the part of Jesus Christ's return. Five "Seventy Weeks", 445B.C.+(7x70)x5→A.D.2005, are equivalent to forty-nine "Golden Jubilees", 445B.C.+(50x49)→A.D.2005. After the fifth "Seventy Weeks", 445B.C.+(7x70)x5→A.D.2005, or the 49th "Golden Jubilees", 445B.C.+(50x49)→A.D.2005, the prophecies of "Open Seven Seals" mentioned in the Book of Revelation, chapters 6-16 was launched. Each seal represents seven years, and the last 49 years of disasters come to the world. Jesus Christ will descend in A.D.2054, namely 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+(7x7)→A.D.2054, and defeat the Super Trinity Antichrist (False God the Sea Beast, False Prophet the Earth Beast and False Christ the Great Red Dragon) in the Battle of Armageddon. Jesus will establish Millennium Kingdom, Kingdom of Heaven, in A.D.2055, namely 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+50→A.D.2055.



