I welcome you to my website devoted to weight loss

  • il y a 14 ans
It shares thoughts and ideas and is inspired by the nutrition books I have written and posted on this website.

I invite you to consult this e-book and download it free of charge if you so desire. The purpose of this site is to guide you through your weight-loss program and afterwards.

When you consult this website, you do so free of charge and with no obligation whatsoever. There is no paid registration. You will not be asked to purchase anything.

This is neither a commercial nor a prescription website and it definitely isn’t a recruitment site.

Why did I develop this website?

Because I’ve written books and thought “Why not do a website?” Because many patients have asked me to create a website. Because in life, not everything is necessarily for sale. Because it’s important for me to share information and ideas.

Finally, I would like to dedicate this site to my patients who have taught me a great deal.