finlandiya da protesto (Demonsrtation agains china in finlan

  • 14 yıl önce
Uyghur Forum call upon all supporters to join us in condemning the Chinese government’s violent suppression of peaceful protestors in Urumchi on July 5, 2009

According to the Chinese government, 197 people were killed and 1,720 people were injured during the recent unrest. However, according to reports received by the Uyghur news Acency, more than 1,000 Uyghurs were killed, and the number of injuries is much higher than 1,720. In addition, independent sources within East Turkestan, as well as the Financial Times newspaper, indicate that the number of Uyghurs arrested since July 5 is at least 4,000.

The Chinese government continues to detain thousands of Uyghurs and is threatening to execute Uyghur protestors. Help us ask the Finland government to condemn the executions of Uyghurs and to call upon the Chinese authorities to release Uyghur detainees who were arrested without just cause.


