• 14 years ago
Patrick Malone & Associates has nationally recognized expertise and an exceptional track record in representing clients who have been seriously hurt by the negligence of health care providers: doctors, nurses, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, pharmacists and others. Our attorneys have won many verdicts and settlements over $1 million for their clients. Visit us at www.patrickmalonelaw.com or call 202-742-1500 for a free no-obligation consultation. Patrick Malone & Associates has a national reputation for excellence as attorneys for clients with serious injuries. We win exceptional verdicts and settlements for our clients in lawsuits for brain and spinal cord injuries, medical malpractice, defective products, birth-related injury, wrongful death and other severe personal injuries. We seek justice for our clients and safety improvements to prevent injuries to others. We help clients throughout metropolitan Washington, D.C., Maryland (including Baltimore City and Prince George's County) and northern Virginia.
