Raj Patel - Maitreya - The Antichrist - The Dajjal - Part 17

  • il y a 14 ans
In the episode 17, I expose that the "character" Raj Patel is a total fabrication. His name is fake, his life is fake, he's just appeared from nowhere just like a certain Obama.

Another proof that Raj Patel is Maitreya is that "Raj Patel" is the backbone to all this investigation, each time you google someone/something connected to Raj Patel you find other connections to this whole global plan. Tons of global organizations have appeared just over the last years, they all enjoy large fundings and large media coevrage, just like Avaaz headed by Ricken Patel.

I have nothing against Justice, equality and sharing, what I am exposing is that the people who are pretending to bring us this utopia are lost and are misleaded by Maitreya/Satan, they will lose themselves and ruin your life if your give them trust.

Obey God and the Koran that's a better guidance. God gives you an authentic true promise whereas Satan/Maitreya is only making up stories.
