False Flag MH17 for WW3 and emergence of Antichrist 2014

  • il y a 10 ans
On 21/07/2014, in their declaration about the MH17 crash, both Aresni Yatsenyuk, the Ukrainian Prime Minister, and Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, have definitely exposed themselves as the reptilian illuminatis that they are.

On 24/07/2014, it was the turn of the Ukrainian Minister of the Interior's deputy to expose himself as a reptilian, showing his reptilian eyes on mass media like Euronews. In this flase flag, there are only reptilian illuminatis who are involved.

The proofs that the MH17 is an illuminati flase flag meant to provoke WW3 are so numerous:

The logo of the company is a phoenix with the red and blue colors. The phoenix is the symbol of Satan who will play the role of Jesus, so the phoenix symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus (In reality, the story of Jesus as known by the people is 100% forged by Satan, Jesus was a real prophet of God, a man like Adam was, he died and has never been resurrected and will never come back before the hereafter). The red and blue colors remind the red-blue pills in Matrix: the 2 false choices of Satan: Satan Vs Jesus ... while both paths represent idolatry, none of Jesus or Satan is God. It also refers to the comet ISON, which was called the Phoenix Comet, ISON was blue before coming close to the sun and then became red. ISON also stand for ZION, which is the capital of Satan. IZON means tragedy in hebrew, the language of Jesus (that's why many of Satan's hidden symbols have a meaning in hebrew).

The illuminatis have not chosen the Malaysian Airlines for nothing, it is because of the flag of Malaysia, which contains a solar eclipse with the sun emerging and besides another symbol of the rizing sun. The solar eclipse with the sun emerging is a well known symbol which is present in most of the illuminati medias, it symbolizes light after darkness, order after chaos (in reality it's the inverse, Satan inverses everything). The sun symbol is the hidden secret symbol of the illuminati (the All seeing Eye which is on the dollar bill is the symbol of the New World Order and not of the illuminatis).

The MH17 plane is a Boeing 777 , once again, this is full of hidden meaning. 7 stands for the heavens, it symbolizes the New World Order which is supposed to be the fake paradise on earth for the deceived ones. It's also known as the duration of the reign of Satan the Antichrist which will rule during 7 years (supposedly, that's what Satan claims in his forged prophecies, who knows?? but no matter). There was also a very important declaration of illuminati Christine Lagarde, head of IMF, in the beginning of the year 2014, she insisted that the year 2014 is especially important for them and was the result of all their collective work, and that 2014 will start the beginning of a "benefic" period of 7 years. Of course, she was refering to the reign of his master Satan.
