• 15 years ago
More at http://www.andymartin.info

Stop motion music video for 1970's punk band The Johnny 7 Combo and their song "I Wipe My Nose On You".

I created an animated handmade poster using a tub of black paint, a tub of white paint, photocopied images of the band, lots of newspaper pages and a flattened cardboard box. The strict rules I imposed on myself also included the use of only natural light and avoiding any fancy computer effects or short cuts. This made me concentrate purely on the stop motion and give the piece a punk spirit an energy that I think suits the song and the band.

I hope you like the video, I hope you like the song and I hope you'll discover more about the 'Johnny 7 Combo'. They're out there if you look hard enough.

For behind the scenes etc click the following links to my blog: http://www.andymartin.info/blog/?p=432 and http://www.andymartin.info/blog/?p=438 and http://www.andymartin.info/blog/?p=442
