How NOT To Use AdSense Ads On a Web Site

  • 14 years ago AdSense is a powerful tool when used correctly. However, I see far too many website owners trying to use AdSense in places and on sites which they shouldn't. Too often a website owner becomes desperate to earn income and feels like adding AdSense is the answer. In many cases adding AdSense adds to a website simply cheapens the site and does in fact make the website owner looked very desperate for income. Why would a site owner promoting himself or his own products wish for people to click links which only provide him a few sense and would lead the visitor a way from his site? It boggles my mind to see the numbers of website owners who resort to adding AdSense ads to their websites in hopes of exchanging a small amount of income for the leaving of the visitor. It's far better to use a space where the AdSense adds go for placing OPTin forms for collecting leaves with. Site owners must understand that lead generation should be their number one priority. I'll grant you there is a time and place for AdSense adds, I have many AdSense sites myself, but I do not place AdSense on my personal blog were crash course site where I really want people to stay and read the information and hopefully sign up for my newsletters