• 14 years ago
http://SteveWeber.us/course AdSense blogs are emitted of earning income many beginning Internet marketers choose. There is really nothing special about the blog format with respect to making money with Google ad sense. Many people say blogs are preferred by the search engines, but the truth is there is virtually no difference in rankings whether or not a content site is created with a blog format or as a static website. AdSense blog sometimes are preferred because beginners do not understand how to create static websites with basic HTML editors. The blogs containing AdSense can rapidly be updated with new and fresh content. This is why search engines may preferred them over static websites. But again, it's only because it is so easy to add new content. AdSense blogs have one issue though that must be overcome by the webmaster. It is quite difficult to insert ads into the blog format because PHP programming is required, or a least a knowledge of editing the code. There is an alternative method for placing ads into AdSense blogs however. But why do work plug-in is free and can easily be added to any AdSense blog for easy insertion of ads. This makes it quite easy to take advantage of adding lots of content and having the advertisements show up within the blog posts