Raj Patel - Maitreya - The Antichrist - The Dajjal - Part 15

  • il y a 14 ans
In this 15th episode, you can see that Raj Patel/Maitreya has entered into a new step of his worlwide promotion. Since January 2010, Raj Patel has done a tour in the US, in Canada and in Australia, he's been received on the major networks and he's been quoted in the major newspapers.

Now the press don't hesitate anymore to openly speak about Raj Patel as the savior of the World, the man of change, and their articles are more and more explicit about that.

Do not listen to Raj Patel's recommandations: Don't militate, don't oppose the New World Order, don't support it neither, don't be an activist, it's useless, you're only going to be used for other purposes. Have a simple and discrete life above the law and above the law of God and you'll be safe.

You want to find guidance and to be safe from any danger, obey exclusively God and the Koran and you'll be protected, that's a fair advice.
